You are in charge of a large-scale transformation of business services
You need hands-on project management resources (PM, experts)
to close an execution gap and accelerate value realization

Jump start digital process, data and organizational transformation of your business services
How we create value, fast.

Project management
Refocus your digital transformation
Heavy lifting, hands-on execution
Program management
Stand up an activist PMO
Jump start, structure, monitor
Deliver efficiencies
Improve service levels
Skill up
Deploy Lean & Agile
Redefine digital jobs
Shared services
Consolidate operations (GBS)
SME for P2P, A2R, OTC, H2R, CX, Treasury/Cash, Audit
Unlock value from Data
Cleansing, governance, analytics
Our goal at Digital Lean & Data Advantage is to accelerate creation of value from your digital transformation initiatives.
With over 20 years of experience in business services, we have developed our outcome-focused, data-driven 'secret sauce' to structure transformation journeys, jump start and manage project execution with a clear bias on value creation.
Our project & program management capabilities sit on robust Six Sigma, Change Acceleration and audit foundations.
Our consultants are truly independent with no strings attached, no outrageous billing targets.
We are committed to our set of values:
Care, Connect, Simplify and Deliver.
We will be both your sounding board and your effective execution arm.
We will hit the ground running, fast.
646-352-3693 (USA) or at +44-7818-927062 (UK) to quickly assess your needs and align the necessary resources.
Past assignments
Digital transformation roadmap >100,000 man days
PMO structure, project selection & prioritization criteria, governance for 120> projects
Acceleration of technology deployments via minimal viable products MVPs, down to 8 weeks
Multi-million efficiencies from GBS / consolidation of services operations
global financial institution
large domestic insurer
pharma giant
Multi-sites value stream analyses for financial institutions, insurers, pharma co., technology services providers, business services, media, commodities/trading co, data centers
Development & deployment of continuous improvement programs
Lean, Six Sigma, Change Acceleration, Agile
Tailored workforce skill up plan
Training, coaching, certification
Data management strategy and execution, incl. quality, digitization, governance, analytics and vendor management